
The start address <https://newhostname.domain.com> cannot be crawled

Have a SharePoint site on one of our servers and have lately added a new hostname to that server to access a new site collection. I started getting a lot of entries in the eventlog using event id 2436 stating:

The start address <https://newhostname.domain.com> cannot be crawled.

Context: Application 'Search index file on the search server', Catalog 'Search'

Access is denied. Check that the Default Content Access Account has access to this content, or add a crawl rule to crawl this content. (0x80041205)

For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.

Another symptom on this error is that if you open a web browser on the server itself and try to navigate to the url, you'll only get an authentication dialog (symptom on a 401 error).

After a bit of searching I found a solution that I recognized. The following kb article http://support.microsoft.com/kb/971382 provided the solution to add the new hostname to the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\MSV1_0\BackConnectionHostNames .

When I started regedit I found that the key already existed and a couple of hostnames already was present. It seems that I had implemented this fix before.
Better to write a post about it so I don't forget it in the future :)

Ps. Don't forget to restart the server after applying the registry change. Ds.

Export and Import Work item queries in TFS projects

I have lately been introducing new WorkItemTypes in our TFS project to handle tests and support cases. With those new types the need for modifying the queries in the current projects was necessary. To modify a query I could have opened them in visual studio and saved them to disk and then saved them individually to each project. Since we are getting a lot of projects (60+) this would be a quite tedious task to update 10+ queries in each project individually.
To solve this administrative plague I wrote a small commandline program that allows you to export and import queries from a project.

To list all queries in a project
TFSQueryUtil.exe /t https://tfsserver.domain.com:8143 /p "My Tfs Project"

This will list every Work Item Query by Scope, Name and description

To export all queries to the current folder
TFSQueryUtil.exe /t https://tfsserver.domain.com:8143 /p "My Tfs Project" /o Export /q *

This will export each query using the name of the query (plus the .wiq extension) as name of the exported file. If you want to only export one query, use the example below.
TFSQueryUtil.exe /t https://tfsserver.domain.com:8143 /p "My Tfs Project" /o Export /q "My query"

To import all *.wiq files to a project as Team queries
TFSQueryUtil.exe /t https://tfsserver.domain.com:8143 /p "My Tfs Project" /o Import /f *.wiq /qs Public

This command will use the filename (without the .wiq extension) as name for the imported query.
You can also specify a Description of the query by using the /qd switch (best for use with one query imports)

The format of the wiq files follows the WorkItemQuery schema but since the schema only includes the query and no meta data (like name, scope or description) this has to be provided as parameter switches... (Perhaps something to fix in TFS 2010)

If you need more help add the /? parameter.

I haven't released the program as open source but feel free to use it if you have need for it.
Can be downloaded from http://dan.meridium.se/TfsQueryUtil.rar
To use it you need to have Team Foundation Explorer 2008 installed. (needs the tfs dlls in the GAC).

2009-09-28 Update; small bugfix
* Now writes xml files as utf-8 (was an in consequence between xml notation and file encoding)